Tournament Handbook - Marketing
In today�s climate, golf is the fastest growing sport and tournaments/outings are now the bake sale of the 2000�s. This is good news and bad news for tournament organizers. The good news is that record number of people are playing golf and the strong economy allows people to play in multiple and/or pricey events. The bad news is that these customers now have a huge number of tournaments and events to choose from.
For your event to be successful in terms of participation, you need to make the event attractive, enticing and distinguishable from all the other tournaments.
Marketing Tools
- Flyers
- Posters
- Save the Date Card
- Mailed out Six Months before event
- General info and contact info
- Brochure
- Mailed two months before event- usually around the end of the month (payday)
- All tournament information, date, cost, format, contests, prizes, benefit info
- Quality counts
- Web posting
- Date posted as soon as secured
- Info from brochure posted three to six months before
- Link for directions, registration, payment
- All information to refer people to
- Email notifications
- Radio/ TV
- Golf Magazines and local Newspapers
Potential Customers
- Past participants- ask them to expand and get another group
- Interest list of people who play golf
- Faculty/ Staff general mailing
- People who regularly play the course- flyers at the course and on windshields of cars a month before
- Other related tournament participants
- People who you do business with
- Core group that tournament benefits- i.e. Baseball fundraiser- all the team members and their family.